April Showers

Week 18: The Weather

aprilGrowing up I loved to chant April Showers Bring May Flowers. I loved saying it because it always made me happy and excited about my birthday month. I knew that everything was being prepared for me to have a bright and colorful birthday. Every year, I plan for April to be rainy, stormy, and humid knowing that brighter days are coming. However, I wasn’t prepared for the showers to be a metaphor for real life events this year. Every week during the month of April something was happening to me, my family, or my friends. The month started to wear on me and I wondered if I could handle one more thing. It became harder and harder to try to stay positive when I was dreading answering the phone because I worried about what would be said on the other end.

During this time period, I found great support and comfort by:

  1. Praying more and if not knowing what to pray then I would pray over the following scriptures
    1. Esther 4:14- Perhaps you were chosen for such a time as this
    2. 1 Thessalonians 5:18- Give thanks in all circumstances (not just the great ones)
    3. Jeremiah 29:11- “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord!
  2. Using my “fake it to you make it” strategy and pretending to have a good great day until it turned out to be great
  3. Surrounding myself with positive people and energy that forced me to focus on the flowers that were coming and not the showers.

May is here now and as I think about the month ahead there are so many exciting things to celebrate. Navigating through April hasn’t been easy and for a moment I lost my perspective. I almost forgot that there is a process for flowers to bloom. I am choosing to be grateful through this period of preparation and choosing to keep the faith that my flowers will bloom in due time.

Explaining it all,

One thought on “April Showers

  1. The testimony from someone who owns up to life being PERFECTLY Imperfect as you do, gives hope and affirmation to me in the mist of my own storm right now. i love and appreciate you more than you will ever know SweetPea! :-*

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